martes, 6 de julio de 2010

palabra del dia

word of the day ¨plutocracy¨ is defined as follow
1. Government by the wealthy.2. A country or state governed by the wealthy people.3. Wealthy ruling class.
ETYMOLOGY:From pluto- (wealth) + -cracy (rule). From Greek ploutokratia, from ploutos (wealth, overflowing riches). Ultimately from the Indo-European root pleu- (to flow), that is also the source of flow, float, flit, fly, flutter, pulmonary, pneumonia, pluvial, and fletcher.
USAGE:"California is much closer to a plutocracy than a grass-roots democracy. It takes lots of money to draft initiatives, get them on the ballot, and run a media campaign for or against them."Bruce E. Cain; Five Myths About California Politics; The Washington Post; Jun 6, 2010. Explore "plutocracy" in the Visual Thesaurus.

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